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The Golden Age of Hollywood

“The Golden Age of Television”: What Made the 1950s So Special for American TV

Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks:
The Grandmasters of American Comedy

“And Now a Word From Our Sponsor” A Look Back at the Early Days of TV Advertising

Rockin’ Hollywood: Rock & Roll and the Movies From Bill Haley to the Beatles

Rockin’ TV: Rock & Roll and Television From Elvis to the Monkees

The Magic of Fred Astaire

Gene Kelly—Singing and Dancing in the Rain

Over the Rainbow: The Hollywood Career of Judy Garland

"One More for My Baby": The Hollywood Songbook of Frank Sinatra

From Carson to Oprah to Stephen Colbert: A History of the TV Talk Show

How the Internet Changed the Media and Why Newspapers, Music, and Television Will Never Be the Same

From Mickey Mouse to Star Wars and Beyond: How the Walt Disney Company Conquered the Entertainment Universe

From Streaming TV to the Oscars: How Netflix Is Disrupting the Entertainment Industry

From the Hays Code to X-Rated Movies:
A History of Hollywood Censorship

From Mary Pickford to Meryl Streep: Hollywood’s Star System and How It Works

The Hollywood Blockbuster: How Steven Spielberg and George Lucas Changed the Movies

The Films of Alfred Hitchcock

Moviegoing in America:
Nickelodeons to Movie Palaces to IMAX

From The Jazz Singer to A Star Is Born:
A History of the Movie Musical

“Make ‘Em Laugh”: A History of Movie Comedy from Charlie Chaplin to Mel Brooks

From Milton Berle to David Letterman: A History of TV Comedy

“And That's the Way It Is”: A Look Back at 70 Years of TV News

The Changing Face of Television: YouTube, Bingeing, Streaming and Beyond

America’s Favorite Holiday Movie: A Look Inside It’s a Wonderful Life
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